Saturday, Nov 27, 2018
We know that ‘Bluetooth’ is a wireless technology that is used for exchanging the data like: music, video, audio, files over short-mileage or distance. Now the point is how the bluetooth hack an android mobile device. Here are some bluetooth hacking software’s and tools, which can help you to hack android phones.
Super-bluetooth-hack: – this s/w is used to reading and controlling the data/information of remote cell phone via ‘bluetooth’. Phone-lists & sms stored in the form of HTML- type. It also display or provide the information about the battery, SIM card, & network’s.
Blue-scanner:- this software find out or search-out the bluetooth enabled device & try to get the more information as possible for a newly discovered-device.
Blue-bugger: it courage the blue bug (implies the name of the set-of security holes of bluetooth) penetrability of a bluetooth-enabled device & the hacker access the phone book, call-list and other information of that cell phone.